Trip to Penang!!

>> Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sunday after church,me,xZ,Cax and 2 other frends of xZ-Yoni and Jolene head down to Penang!!we Stayed there for 3 days and really do enjoy ourselves. Basically what we did was just eating non-stop cause other than that,we dont know what else to do and there was nothing much for us to do also..haha. Still able to catch up for the the Liverpool vs Chelsea match and was glad to see Liverpool beat Chelsea but unfortunately ManU was downed by AC Milan which makes me so disappointed!!!haih..What to do...wait for next season ler...Finals-Liverpool vs AC Milan!!!

Welcome to YMCA!!The place we stayed for 3 days and 2 nights!!!quite a nice place!!and cheap also!

The place we had our dinner for the first night!NORTHAM Beach Cafe.

BOBO CHA CHA with shaved ICE!

Chao Kuay Teow!

Dim Sum with Aunt Irin & Unc Stephen!

German sausage!!ordered by Cax,rating from him-ok!

Ice-Cream with bread!!nice!

The friend i met!Yoni!!nice fella!


Cax was tired but xZ wasn't-salute!after 3 hours of driving he still can play pingpong with his XboX 360!

Me & Cx-Drawn by Jolene while we were asleep on the way home!looks good...=)


yoni 10:29 PM  

Hey mate! Nice pics! I still haven't got mine online yet, but will have them there SOON! You take care, study hard, don't do drugs, and stay away from the darkside.