Homer Simpson Kidnapped From GSC OneUtama

>> Thursday, June 21, 2007

Omg..can't believe those guys are doing such nonsense...i think they love him so much until they feel like bringing him home!!haha..funny fellas...look at the way they stole "him"...omg..they can just carry Mr.simpson out just like this..i wonder what are those security guards doing..(they must be watching "simpson the movie" during that time..haha

20th Century Fox had offered a reward of 1,000 ringgit for information leading to the figurine’s discovery. “The Simpsons Movie” starts showing in Malaysia on July 26.

So guys..what are you waiting for..put down whatever you are doing now and start searching for Mr.Homer,who knows 20th fox century might let you take over the place of Homer in the upcoming movie.hahaha..!!!