WeddingDinner + BuffetLunch@AtriumCafe

>> Sunday, June 03, 2007

Saturday: Went to David's Bro wedding at Holiday Inn Glenmarie.It was a truly great wedding. Both the bride and groom are doctors too!!Congratulations!!

Sunday: Went for a buffet lunch @ Atrium Cafe at Sunway Tower..well foods was great and we were really enjoying ourselves.. =)
check out some of the pics!! (i'm so lazy in typing)

Wedding Dinner

This is the invitation card..the details u all slowly read la..

This is the auditorium where we had our dinner.

Jeng Jeng Jeng..put our hands together for the new couple,Dr.HongKit and Dr.Ruth!

Buffet Lunch @ Artrium Cafe

Don't get cheated by it's physical appearance,it's actually not a pumpkin it's just a bread.

Comes to fruits,well..look at that, only left one better don't take,keep for others..haha